“SNV - TIDE Project”
The Inclusive Dairy Enterprise (TIDE) project is a five year program funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Uganda and implemented by SNV as the lead partner.
In October 2015, SNV Uganda signed a partnership agreement with the Netherlands Embassy Uganda to implement a dairy project in South Western Uganda.
The goal of the five year project – The Inclusive Dairy Enterprise is to improve dairy farm incomes for 20,000 farmers in the districts of Bushenyi, Isingiro, Kiruhura, Mbarara, Ntungamo and Sheema by addressing the following:
- Improving farm productivity through; the establishment of practical dairy training farms, support on-farm investments, strengthen cooperatives and improve dairy services to farmers.
- Improve milk quality through the introduction and promotion of quality based payment systems.
- Improve regulation and investment facilitation.
- Improve household nutrition by; supporting the introduction of milk in schools and promoting dietary diversity at household level
The project which is now in its fifth year is creating tangible results, having developed a number of relevant products and services for dairy farmers, delivered by the private sector.